Tower Transit Operations Limited (TTOL) Gender Pay Gap Statement – 2022

Legislation requires companies with over 250 employees to publish their gender pay gap. The information given in the charts and tables below is precisely what is required by government, and the methods of calculation used are exactly as stipulated by the legislation.

Two sorts of averages are required to be shown – mean and median – for pay and for bonus.

For pay, Tower Transit’s mean average shows a pay gap of 3.3% and the median average shows a gap of 1.3%, both in favour of women. (For information, at the time of publication, according to the Office for National Statistics the UK median average gender pay gap is 14.9% in favour of men).

For bonus payment amounts, Tower Transit’s mean average shows a Gender Bonus gap of 21% in favour of women and the median average shows a gap of 8.1%, in favour of men.

Please note that Tower’s figures do not mean that men are paid more than women for doing the same job or vice versa. Tower Transit of course complies with the Equality Act 2010, and nobody gets paid differently for doing exactly the same job solely because they are a woman or a man. The percentage differences shown in the analysis are mainly a function of the gender pay gap stipulated requirements which do not compare women and men doing the same job – they require us to publish total figures for all the women we employ versus all the men we employ, regardless of the fact that they do different jobs.

In a similar way, the bonus figures do not mean that people do or don’t get a bonus, or get a different amount of bonus, simply because of their gender. Likely key factors affecting the bonus gap include the one-off mayors bonus paid to all drivers, and transactional factors affecting all other bonus payments in addition to a significant reduction of employees due to a restructuring and downsizing of the business.

Tower Transit has clear and objective methods for determining bonus amounts, and nobody receives more or less bonus for the same performance in the same job, solely because they are a woman or a man.


Samuel Ribeiro
Managing Director


Gender Pay Gap – total men to total women
Mean Average Median Average
-3.3 -1.3







Proportion of males and females in each quartile pay band (%)


Gender Bonus Gap – men to women
Mean Average Median Average
-21.0 8.1







Proportion of males and females who received a bonus payment

 TTOL Gender Pay Statement 2021

 TTOL Gender Pay Statement 2020

 TTOL Gender Pay Statement 2019

 TTOL Gender Pay Statement 2018

 TTOL Gender Pay Statement 2017